Federal Copyright Notice

All Images on this site are © 2014 Dave Milstead Photo. 
Do not copy or repost without written consent by Dave Milstead | Dave Milstead Photo.  Federal copyright laws cite it is a violation of Federal copyright laws to copy or otherwise use images from web pages, blogs, emails, or newsgroups without permission of the copyright owner. Copyright owners can sue infringers for damages, profits, statutory damages (up to $10,000 and as much as $50,000 for willful infringement), and attorney's fees and costs. Copyright owners can pursue injunctive relief, and infringing copies and the equipment used to house/produce them can be impounded and destroyed. It is also a criminal act to violate Federal copyright law. Since October 31, 1988, works no longer need a copyright notice embedded to have copyright protection. Note that "copying" also includes saving copyrighted image(s) to your hard drive, or other mediums.